Elyes Gabel music

He first picked up a ukelele in Montreal, Canada. Then a guitar in Manchester, England. The contrast of raw and elegant melody creates a beautifully compelling partner in music for Elyes – anything that gives space for the soul’s authentic song is voraciously invited. There is new music to dance with later in the year.


Lacuna (LIVE)

Featuring: Koi Anunta - Violin, Glenn Holdaway - Trumpet

Written at the end of 2022, the song came out of a finger-picking riff while on a retreat in Joshua Tree, California. Lacuna – meaning an unfulfilled space or a gap – starts with a conceptual fall from grace – “Fell down the strolls/Fell away from the slave’s wrought love,” progressing to a visceral reckoning “Cracked to the stone/Not a drop of cologne soaks through.” Elyes enjoyed the process of this live recording so much that he has interest in doing more. Watch on YouTube >

Any child of natures hive / can birth a life that / bursts the drive anew

— “Lacuna”