Passionate about finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Elyes is a long-standing advocate for The ALS Association, specifically the Golden West Chapter & the annual “Walk to Defeat ALS” events. In his own words —

In Loving Memory of My Grandmother Noreen

In the spirited bond of family, all the caring support & love that many find instilled by loved ones. For me, that is my grandmother, Noreen. She was the fulcrum our family rested on when I was growing up. The Rock. She sadly passed away in my teenage years due to a Motor Neuron Disease known as ALS.

Born and raised in India, she was one of the last in her immediate family that eventually moved to England. When I was a kid, my mother, sister and I lived with her in Manchester. She was an adventurous cook, always there to feed. Her home was filled with laughter & lots of love. She was the General when my sister & I would argue: running through an extensive list of our family members’ names, until she would arrive at the relevant person - either my sister or I- who was in trouble.

When I got a little bit older, we noticed she started having some difficulty walking, which progressed to an aggressive stage of the disease. Eventually, she moved into a nursing home to receive the care she needed, & after school I would go to visit her. Her ability to speak gradually decreased. It was heartbreaking. Soon after, I turned 16 & moved to London, college bound. Three months in, we got a call and travelled back up to Manchester. Gran’s condition had deteriorated. We spent some time at the nursing home with her, and as we were leaving to get some sleep that night, I remember her catching my eye. I was by the doorway on the way out, and I remember so clearly that she was talking to me. The connection in that time, was so powerful. I went back to her house that night, & we later got the call that she had passed away.

Even though 20 years have passed since my grandma lost her fight with ALS, the memories and impact from that time have remained ever present. I remember how our family wanted to save her from this brutal disease.

ALS affects more than 5,000 people each year. The ALS Association works tirelessly in pursuit of defeating this horrible disease. If you are inspired to raise awareness or donate funds for continued research in unlocking ALS, you can give today or any day. Visit ALS Golden West Chapter to read more.

I thank you.

Elyes Gabel ALS
Elyes Gabel ALS
Elyes Gabel ALS
Elyes Gabel ALS

Elyes’ work with additional charities includes campaigns for The One Step Closer Foundation, visiting the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX to spend time with children affected by cerebral palsy, the American Forces “Stop Bullying Body Positive” campaigns, and BBC’s Children In Need in the UK, CBS Cares’ campaign for MS.